


欧盟全面禁止使用一次性塑料制品 一、 10 种一次性塑料制品禁止使用 具体包括以下内容: 1、一次性塑料餐具(叉子、刀子、勺子和筷子) 2、一次性塑料盘子 3、塑料吸管 4、塑料制...



Position on Fluorinated Chemicals BPIs overarching goal is to assist in the diversion of organic waste to composting, by verifying that products and packaging will completely break down in a professionally managed composting facility, witho...



2019 年11月22日,国家发改委资源节约和环境保护司司长的一句话,又平地掀起了一阵波澜 发改委将发布新的限塑令 ,据透露,这次限塑令升级将会把矛头对准一次性包装袋、快递餐盒...

the Fluorinated Chemicals and BPI Certification topic

the Fluorinated Chemicals and BPI Certification topic

There are manystates and cities that have banned products that contain ANY amount of PFAs. BPI does notallow any - no PFAs as ingredients in the product. Sometimes talc will havenaturally occurring Fluorine which is allowed up to 100ppm but...

Certifier Addresses Claims of “Toxic” Chemicals In Compos

Certifier Addresses Claims of “Toxic” Chemicals In Compos

BPI Certified products already on track to eliminatePFAS by end of 2019 New York, NY DEC14, 2018 The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI),North Americas leading certifier of compostable products and packaging, todayclarified that it has a...